Welcome dear friends
Dear all, I receive a lot of questions about friendly healing sessions and exchanges. I would love to work with you all. I really do. But I am only human and I earn my living with energy work. I have limited time and capacity for friendly sessions and many friends waiting for them.
Every “NO” I had to say in the last weeks hurt me as a knife into the heart – feels a lot like an old wound… But now I realised that by just saying “no” and not giving you the opportutiny to become my clients I am taking away from you all the possibilities how to work with me.
So I decided to open the door for you if you want to work with me as paying clients.
A healing session with me takes 90 – 120 minutes
The price is 145 €
payments are possible through paypal or through regular money transfer (we are in Eurozone, but I have no experiecne with US – Europe transfers).
1) You will have to manage through my Czech reservation system, I will guide you through
2) On the top of the form you can see a few grey buttons – click on the one called “Ayllu – Healing session”, I have created a session specially for the Ayllu – outside of my fully booked schedule. It´s available from the 8th April at 1PM CET.
(If the time for the Ayllu is not suitable for you, you can click at “ONLINE šamanské setkání” and look at the dates there.)
3) you will see the available dates below.
(Names of the months are in Czech: January = leden, February = únor, March = březen, April = duben, May = květen, June = červen, July = červenec, August = srpen, September = září, October = říjen, November = listopad, December = prosinec).
4) When you click on a concrete date, below the calendar you will see available times (in CET timezone). Those available are GREEN.
5) I am fully booked 3-4 months in advance. If you don´t find an available (green) date, try 2-3 months later.
Sometimes instead of green buttons you can see a blue button “PŘEJÍT NA NEJBLIŽŠÍ VOLNÝ TERMÍN”. When you click on it, it will lead you to the next available date.
6) When you click on the green date and time, a form opens up – you can fill your name, surname, email and phone number. Below you can add a note if you wish. Then you click on the green button below – “REZERVOVAT”. And that´s it:)
7) An automat will send you the confirmation email – don´t freak out when it comes:) I will confirm the reservation manually and I will write you all the information in English, including zoom link. It may take a few days though, so please be patient. You can always contact me through whatsappp or at brona@bronamesarosova.cz.
Now when the field of the training is not holding us any more, we have a choice. We can be alone again in our journeys or we can be in this together.